Saturday, June 14, 2008


Signs of Healing: Third Christian School Dedicated in Iraq
Teresa Neumann (June 14, 2008)
"These government officials actually take their kids to that Christian school, and they perceive the school on a daily basis as a place of reconciliation, as a place for the future. And it is being led by Christians."
(Iraq)—Carlos C (name withheld for security reasons) is the vice-president of Partner's International Ministries. Recently he dedicated a third Christian school in Northern Iraq and is reportedly "amazed" by what God is doing there. (Photo: MNN) "Education in English was a huge asset," said Carlos. "These people are trusting their kids to the care and the hands of a Christian education. Adults entrusting their kids to the hands of Christian educators so that the future can be better—that is amazing. And that's only possible by God's grace."According to a report in Mission Network News (MNN) at the dedication of the school, the Iraqi minister of education representative spoke. The minister, said Carlos, said "Iraq is trying to reconcile people. And whatever you hear, this is a place where we value democracy, and everyone is welcome."While they are predominately Muslim, Carlos said, "These government officials actually take their kids to that Christian school, and they perceive the school on a daily basis as a place of reconciliation, as a place for the future. And it is being led by Christians."
Staff - Mission Network News

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