Monday, October 24, 2005


Hebrews 5:8. Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.

Do we need to suffer to learn obedience?

9. And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation,

Are there disobedient Christians or is that an oxymoron?

10. being designated by God as a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek. 11. Concerning him we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing.

Have our presuppositions made us hard of hearing?

12. For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food.

Are we sippers or chewers?

13. For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. 14. But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.

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