Tuesday, July 31, 2007


My name is Taunya Dowell and I'm 31 years old. I would like to share my testimony with you on the Miraculous Power of my Lord Jesus Christ.When I was eleven years old, I was playing football with some boys and I was tackled. As a result, I fractured my left hip. I went through three surgeries and was in a cast from the waist down for a year and a half. My hip did not heal as the doctors had expected and over the years my left leg did not grow normally, and it ended up being one inch shorter than the right. I had MRI's done that determined the discrepancy in the length of my legs and one inch build-ups were made for all my left shoes. However, I continued to suffer from constant pain. Until one day in June, 1996. I met Hal, who shared with me his healing ministry. My faith in Jesus was strong and I believed in the Bible and what it said. And when he shared with me the miracles he had seen through the power of prayer and calling on the power of Jesus, I wanted this for myself, and believed it was possible.It was a beautiful sunny day in Coronado, CA. When I crawled out of bed that morning, I was totally unprepared for a miracle. What happened changed my life forever. But God works his wonders in mysterious ways. Hal and I were sitting outside at a restaurant when he asked me if I would like to receive prayer. I was a little shy at first since we were out in public but then I said "Let's do it". So he sat across from me and took both my ankles in his hands, with my legs stretched out, and started praying and invoking the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus and commanded my leg to grow. My left leg started getting very hot right above my knee and my bone started growing. My bone grew a whole inch right before our very eyes. I was so filled with the awesome power of the Holy Spirit I could barely think straight. I was awe-struck for hours. I had to go barefoot because my shoes were of no use any more. I've been checked out by doctors and they are at a loss for words. I has been over two years and I still don't need to have a lift in my shoe. I give all the Glory to Jesus and now I have also learned how to pray for others to be healed. Based on Mark 16;17-18, I feel we are called to pray for others for healing. Besides, it's not me nor anybody else who does the healing -- it's the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord just needs laborers to deliver the blessing.Hal's comment:As of of now, Taunya still has her healing.
The approach Taunya refers to is taught by the Hunter's Ministery* and the one we
teach and practice . It can be observed and experienced by attending the class and using the resources we have available..
See the Hunter's website to order their books and tapes.]
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Saturday, July 28, 2007

a quetion

Although it required Jesus to die on the cross and be resurrected to enable us to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, why are there so many Christians who do not wnt it?

Monday, July 23, 2007


Belief is just a claim unless we act on what we profess.

James says that if we believe in God we do well. But the demons also believe and tremble.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


The vital signs of being born-again are fiund in Mark 16:15-20

Saturday, July 21, 2007


A saint in deed is a saint indeed.


Sigms and wonders are the fast track to successful evangelizing. Without the Holy Spirit's power is like crawling when we could be running.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I decided to quit smoking by August 18th -- my 50th birthday. I told Hal Weeks I would be coming to his Wednesday night Prayer and Healing class at St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Coronado, CA. One week led to another and pretty soon almost two years had gone by. I kept putting it off because I really did not want to quit smoking. Hal would approach me at Sunday services and ask me when I would attend his class. I always had a lame excuse, but we both knew Satan had a hold on me. In August of 1999 my daughter, Michele, announced she was expecting her first child in April 2000. Her husband, William, quit smoking in December, 1999. I decided I needed to quit so I wouldn't smell like a chimney around my new grandchild. I finally made it to Hal's class on March 22, 2000 and was healed by the Holy Spirit of my desire to smoke. It was instantaneous (as I knew it would be). The next two days I could feel the smoke being purged from my lungs. I believe that if it were visible people could have seen smoke coming out of my mouth. Thanks to the healing power of God, I have not smoked since. There were times when I wanted to smoke, but I called on God to help me and the desire was instantly gone. My daughter once asked me if I had cheated at all. I told her I couldn't because what would that say about the Holy Spirit and His Power!! Now I can smell cigarette smoke on people ten feet away and I realize I used to smell like that to other non-smokers!! The day after my healing I called Michele to share my good news. It was then she told me that she and William didn't want me around the new baby smelling of cigarette smoke, and they weren't sure how to tell me. God answered two prayers at once!! I am now a new grandma to a precious little boy, Liam Matthew, born May 1st, and I can hold him to my hearts content, God is so good. P.S. Now I have gained weight so I will be back at Hal's class on May 17th to be healed from my overeating addiction. You can be sure I won't put this off for two years!!June 11, 2000 On May 11th and June 7th I had my physical at Kaiser. The doctor told me I am a very healthy woman, He said my lung capacity was the second highest he had seen in his six years at Kaiser. PRAISE GOD! For only He could have healed me so completely from the damage I did to myself when smoking cigarettes.Ann Rebuffattee

Note: Ann now has an effective healing ministry and will accept phone prayer rewuests. Call her at 619 437 8077



Hoow many go to church to get an update on their sins so they can repent and get current on God's forgiveness? Repent?

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Self-sufficiency is a firewall to God's sufficiency. When we come to the end of our rope, H says, "catch mine."
It takes humiliity to get the hang of it.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Evangelism, when practiced, in the modern
church has indeed added to its numbers.

Evangelism, when it includes the signs and wonders
of the early church multiplies the numbers.

Why then are the igms and wonders not practiced?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007



Friday, July 06, 2007


To be prepared for the coming of our Lord is to be longing for it, to be looking forward to it, and to be living accordingly.Whether it is the public debt, the population explosion, the pollution of our environment, AIDS, or any other catastrophe facing our society, human effort is limited to merely slowing the trend -- not reversing it. The sin and greed that have caused these things are still present. God is long-suffering but He has foreordained a military coup when Christ returns to rule with a rod of iron.Following Christ will cost us everything, and a bill comes due each day as we take up our cross and follow Him.Without Jesus Christ man is damned if he does, and he is damned if does not. He is irrelevant.The only person whose reputation means anything is Jesus Christ. Even the Holy Spirit has elected to subordinate his reputation to that of Jesus. Then shouldn't we?


The Great Provision

The Great Admission

The Great submission

The Great decison

The Great commission

The Great Remission

The Great ommission

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I want to thank you two (a prayer and healing classmate and I) for a wonderful experience last Sunday when you ministered healing to my back ache. I truly felt in a very real sense that Jesus reached down and touched me and I could physically feel the pain being withdrawn from my back. What a powerful thing it is to feel the touch of Jesus on you. It only has happened to me once before when I first committed my life to Christ. it was a deeply moving thing then and also was the same last Sunday. I have been humming that wonderful song "He Touched Me" by Bill Gaither, ever since. We have such a great loving and caring God. Of course, my back was healed and the pain is gone and I am grateful for that, but, even more, I am grateful for the experience of being touched by God. Thank you both for developing your gift of healing and ministering to the rest of us. May God continue to bless you in many wonderful ways.

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Any church that does not preach, teach, and employ thepower of the Holy Spirit to heal the sick, and cast out demons is short changing itself. Ywt, in short, don't they say, "Lord. you keep the change Lord since ce we don't want it and wouldn't use it anyway."